Leeds Recovery College offers free educational courses that focus on keeping us mentally and physically well. Courses are co-designed and co-facilitated by people who have experienced their own mental health challenges, working alongside health professionals and education providers to share their knowledge and advice.  The aim of these courses is to help you learn more about mental health, work out what keeps yourself and others well, and find ways to enjoy life more.

Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service offers a range of online courses to help you cope better with mental health difficulties such as stress, depression, bereavement and panic attacks.

SilverCloud is offering its Our Space from Covid programme completely free of charge for anyone over the age of 18 to use. The programme is made up of 6 short modules, each covering issues you may be experiencing due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Each module provides clinically-backed support for trouble sleeping, coping with stress, developing mindfulness, financial worries and experiencing grief and loss.

Headspace is a free, 7 week course run by Oblong that will help you to deal with the tough times in life that happen to us all. Learn techniques for relaxation, coping with stress and positive thinking. Find your strengths, meet new people and get new perspectives. Contact Oblong for upcoming dates. Booking is essential. You can call Oblong on 0113 245 9610.

WorkPlace Leeds offers courses and workshops to promote wellbeing at work.

Fit Minds from Leeds United Foundation is a free, 12 week course focusing on mental health and wellbeing. It aims to support individuals in the local community who are struggling and may be suffering with stress and anxiety. The programme is online using Zoom and is run by mental health professionals and highly qualified staff. Participants will learn skills such as anxiety coping techniques, stress relief methods and lifestyle changes that help mental wellbeing. There will also be physical activity sessions that will be appropriate for all abilities and needs of members involved. If you are interested in learning more about the programme, whether it is for yourself or someone who you think may be interested, contact Beth Kerrigan by emailing Beth.Kerrigan@leedsunited.com