The Community Mental Health Transformation Programme is a partnership of NHS organisations, community and voluntary sector, Adult Social Care and service users and people with lived experience coming together to transform how primary and community mental health services are currently organised and delivered.

Information for service users and carers

This video gives an overview of the National Community Mental Health Transformation Programme:

This video gives an overview of the National Community Mental Health Transformation Programme in Plain English

Information and Discussion sessions

In December 2021 and March 2022, we held an Information and Discussion Sessions for staff from all organisations across Leeds, which provide care and support for people with complex and ongoing mental health needs. The purpose of these sessions was to share information with staff about work to transform community mental health care and to get people’s views on the work. Staff attended from across NHS organisations, Leeds City Council and third sector organisations.

Listen to the Staff Information and Discussion Session*:

*This is an edited recording of the Staff Information and Discussion session held on 16th December, 2021. The programme timescales referred to in this recording have subsequently been changed. This is because the programme paused during January and February in response to COVID related service and staffing pressures.

Engagement and Involvement Plan

An Engagement and Involvement Plan has been developed to guide how the programme will engage and involve people in the ongoing design and delivery of services. This report will guide the work and it will need to be continually reflected and adapted. You can read the report here: