MindWell is the go-to online source for adult mental health and wellbeing support in Leeds.
Whether you’re looking for help for yourself or someone you live with, care for, or manage, our website offers all the support, advice and information you might need. This includes self-help tools to cope with anxiety, stress and low moods.
Our comprehensive directory also provides quick links to a wide range of local and national services supporting people’s mental health and wellbeing, and help with practical issues like housing, money worries and peer support.
MindWell is a website and not a clinical service. We’re unable to give advice or support to individuals via the website or social media. MindWell is not designed to diagnose emotional or mental health conditions. If you’re looking for emotional or crisis support in Leeds go to Need urgent help?
What we do
We can help you access:
- Support and services available in Leeds.
- Local wellbeing groups including creative, outdoor and exercise groups.
- Clear, accurate information about a range of common mental health problems such as anxiety and stress.
- Self-help resources, including downloadable materials and videos.
- Crisis support information for mental health emergencies.
- Practical support for difficult life experiences, such as housing problems or money worries.
- Support for carers and new parents.
- Guidance for GPs, employers and anyone in a signposting role.
MindWell isn’t just an online resource. You can order printed copies of our accessible resources and promotional materials from the Public Health Resources Centre. We also attend citywide events and offer training workshops for staff and volunteers who could benefit from using MindWell as a signposting tool.
Get in touch
Contact us online or email mindwellleeds@gmail.com for:
- Bespoke training for frontline services
- Mental health stallholder events
- Promoting upcoming wellbeing activities/events
- Sharing newsletter ideas: stories, blogs, news
- Joining clinical, content, or ‘experts by experience’ groups
- Joining our Advisory Board
- Updating services on MindWell or suggesting new listings