MindWell and Mindful Employer recently hosted their first-ever webinar to support employee wellbeing in Leeds. Attendees included a diverse group of professionals from various organisations, ranging from Wellbeing Advisors to HR Directors.
The interactive event, held in March, showcased the MindWell website and MindWell at Work guide as powerful tools to support employees’ wellbeing.
MindWell Engagement Specialist, Siobhan Drane, who delivered the session, said, “We were thrilled to have a diverse group of people join from various organisations across Yorkshire, ranging from Wellbeing Advisors and Employee Engagement Officers to Admin Managers and HR Directors.”
During the webinar, attendees were given a tour of the MindWell website and the MindWell at Work guide. They were then presented with fictional case studies and invited to work in groups to explore the best ways to support employee wellbeing in each scenario.
The webinar was a great success, leaving attendees feeling more confident in accessing valuable resources and tools to support colleagues at work. The event also fostered a sense of community among local employers and those in supportive wellbeing roles, providing an opportunity to connect with each other and exchange best practices.
Attendees provided positive feedback, expressing their appreciation for the session and the website’s helpful resources:
“Thank you for the session. The website is a fantastic resource that covers so many areas in one place. Will be sharing this with my team at the next team meeting. I have bookmarked this site to my favourites.”
“Thank you so much for your presentation and information. I have heard of MindWell but didn’t really know just how helpful it is.”
“Thanks for this – I wasn’t aware of how many resources are available on this website, useful for workplaces as well as for individuals looking for help for themselves.”
The Leeds Mindful Employer Network brings local employers together to champion positive mental health at work. Join the network to receive information about future events.
Want us to run a similar event?
If you or your organisation would like to learn more about using the MindWell website to help the people you support, our engagement specialist, Siobhan Drane, can help. She raises awareness of MindWell at local events and delivers training for professionals and community groups. If you have any events or opportunities, Siobhan would love to hear from you.
Contact her by email at siobhan.drane@forumcentral.org.uk