Provides essential support for pregnant women and their families, from minority ethnic communities, including asylum seekers and refugees.
Haamla is a unique service that provides essential support for pregnant women, and their families, from minority ethnic communities, including asylum seekers and refugees, throughout their pregnancy and postnatal period. It aims to improve access within maternity services, empower and inform women of the choices available during their pregnancy and birth, to improve their health and wellbeing.
Services include:
- bi-lingual support workers available at Children’s Centres, including support with social, religious and cultural needs, and bereavement support
- antenatal groups for women who need language support
- volunteer doula service for practical and emotional support during pregnancy, birth and for up to 6 weeks after your baby is born
- midwifery team providing enhanced antenatal and postnatal care to women seeking asylum and some other vulnerable women from minority ethnic groups