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The Happiness Cafe offers a safe space for disabled people to get together.  You can have a chat or a cuppa and relax in a safe, supportive and positive environment.

Make new friends, try some calming colouring or other relaxing art, take part in social activities or read a mood-boosting book.

The cafe is for people with any type of physical or sensory impairment or long-term health condition, including mental health issues or learning disabilities/difficulties. 

Check with the Happiness Cafe for the latest information about meet-ups and locations due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Activities and refreshments are free. They also offer peer support on any disability-related issue while you’re at the cafe.

Please note, the cafes are not for people experiencing a mental health crisis.

  • Moortown Foodbank

    53-55 Cramner Bank Leeds LS17 5JD

    Regular Opening hours:

    • Tuesday 12:00pm - 2:00pm
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