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Leeds Bereavement Forum


Leeds Bereavement Forum has now closed. It was a small charity which worked to develop bereavement services in the city and signposted people to the right support.

The LBF website is still currently open – they hope it will be around for 2024.

At present, the directory of services on Leeds Bereavement Forum’s website is still available. It includes a list of local bereavement support groups, and a wide range of support including support for a traumatic death and for death by suicide including support for a child affected by suicide.

Information from this Bereavement Directory of Services should shortly be available on Leeds Directory.

For more information about Peer Bereavement Support visit Full Circle Funerals who will continue LBF’s work in this area.

LBF also ran Death Cafes where people could share experiences. Death Cafes usually meet to eat cake, drink tea and discuss death and dying in a relaxed environment. Find out more about Death Cafés nationally and locally.

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