If your life or someone else’s is in immediate danger you should contact 999.

national text number has been set up that allows Deaf people, or people with hearing difficulties, to get 999 help quickly. However, you must register your phone in advance before you can use this service. Do not wait until you need to call, by then it will be too late.

To register for this service text the word ‘register’ to 999. You will get a text back with information about the service. Reply to this message by texting back the word ‘yes’. You should then get another reply to let you know that you have registered.

If you need to contact the emergency services – in your text you should say whether you need police, ambulance or fire, what is happening and where help is needed (include an address or landmark to make it easy to find you). The emergency services will text you back. This can take up two minutes. If you have not heard back in three minutes – try texting again.

Crisis Text Service for Deaf people

SignHealth, Shout and Crisis Text Line run a text-based service for Deaf people. If you text DEAF to 85258 a trained crisis volunteer will respond and reflect on what you’ve said. They will invite you to share the information you feel comfortable with.

The crisis volunteer will help you sort through your feelings, supporting you until you feel more calm and safe. You can get help with urgent issues such as suicidal thoughts, abuse or assault, self-harm, bullying or relationship issues.

Text DEAF to 85258 – open 24 hours every day. The service is free to text from major UK mobile networks – find out more on the SignHealth website.


Connect and Dial House are run by Leeds Survivor-Led Crisis Service (LSLCS) and Sign Health and offer services to Deaf people in crisis.

Connect – whatever your problems are – mental health, housing or money worries, bereavement or the end of a relationship – Connect can help. Trained volunteers and workers provide compassionate, non-judgemental support and can give information about other services, if needed. You can talk to a Deaf worker or a hearing worker with BSL skills on Mondays 7pm to 11pm.

Glide: 07922 249452 or Skype and FaceTime: survivor.led@lslcs.org.uk

Connect Online – you can also chat to Connect volunteers by instant chat (text-based conversation). This service is open every night 6pm to 2am. Go to on the LSLCS website and click on the Chat Now button.

Dial House

Dial House – if you’re finding it hard to cope – Dial House is a place you can go that’s safe and homely, and have an hour of one-to-one support. It could be that you are going through a ‘life crisis’ – perhaps a relationship has broken down or you are worried about money problems – or you could be having problems with your mental health. Dial House has a family room, so parents can bring children with them. Taxis to and from the service are provided. Dial House can support Deaf visitors with a Deaf worker or a hearing worker with BSL skills. Ideally it is best to contact Dial House between 6pm and 7.30pm.

Send a BSL referral via Skype (survivor.led) or Glide (07922 249 452).
12 Chapel Street, Halton, Leeds, LS15 7RW. Email survivor.led@lslcs.org.uk

NHS 111

You can call NHS 111, the NHS non-emergency number, from 8am until midnight everyday, by using InterpreterNow through the NHS111 website http://interpreternow.co.uk/nhs111 You can use the system on a laptop, mobile or tablet to connect to a BSL interpreter via a webcam who will contact NHS111 on your behalf. You will be asked questions to assess your symptoms and then be directed the best medical care for you.

Crisis Assessment Service (CAS)

The CAS is an assessment service for people who are going through mental health problems which might cause them to hurt themselves or someone else. It is open 24 hours, seven days a week. ‘An assessment service’ means that a health worker will talk to you about your mental health crisis and discuss what may be available to help you. They will initially offer telephone advice and support but will meet you for a face-to-face assessment if necessary.

People who are Deaf/deaf or have a loss of hearing, can text 07980 958170 at any time 24 hours a day. What communications support you need will be discussed with you. The CAS has access to BSL interpreters and support is also available through the SignHealth Deaf Crisis Support Leeds service.

The CAS general contact number is 0300 300 1485.