A green shape containing 3 people with different skin tones close together and supporting each other. The first has a pale skin tone, long, bushy pale pink hair and the second has the darkest skin tone, a bald head and a short pale grey beard. The third has a dark skin tone, their hair up and wrapped in a scarf and wears a hoop earring.

Carers Leeds

Carers Leeds is the organisation that supports unpaid carers in Leeds.

Are you helping a friend or family member due to their illness, disability, mental health issue or a substance misuse problem?

Yes? Then you are one of 72,000 unpaid carers in Leeds. And Carers Leeds is here to support you.

What would you like to do?

Call the the Carers Leeds Advice Line on 0113 380 4300, open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4.30pm.

Groups for carers

You can find information about a range of different carers’ groups in Leeds in the MindWell Directory:

Carers Leeds have also created a map showing support groups for unpaid carers. This includes groups run by Carers Leeds and by other organisations. View support groups by clicking on the icons or open the map in a new tab:

If you know a group that isn’t on the map, or changes to listings, you can tell Carers Leeds – click here to fill in a form with the information.

Agylia Care is a website and app with free health and care guides for unpaid and professional carers, covering information such as children’s care, dementia, learning disabilities, mental health and support for carers. You can find out more on the Agylia Care website, find the app on the App Store or use a PC or laptop. to access the guides.

Carers UK is a national serivce offering advice, information and support to any unpaid carers around the country. They offer an expert telephone advice and support service if you want to talk about caring, but you can find lots of information about support for you and the person you care for on their help and advice pages. Carers UK also runs free online support and activity groups for carers.

CHERISH is a website for people supporting students who self-harm. It has information for family, friends and carers, including understanding self-harm, thinking about how it might impact on the carer and tips for looking after your own wellbeing.

Contact offers help to families with disabled children. Contact has useful resources on advice for family carers about coping with stress, relationships and wellbeing. This includes tips on managing family life, work and childcare.

Dementia Carer has information for carers of someone who has dementia.

Download a booklet from Leeds Carers Partnership on the Carers Leeds website, containing government guidance and lots more.

Mobilise is a website and online community supporting carers across the UK. Their website has tools for carers, information and a blog, as well as their ‘cuppa timetable’ with details of their online chats for carers. You can also sign up for their email newsletter or request a 30 minute individual session with their carers coach.

Mind has information to help you cope if you’re supporting someone with mental health difficulties.

Young carers can download the Young Carers Support App, which is a one-stop shop for young carers in West Yorkshire and Harrogate. It has advice and information on relationships, education, your health and more. You can find it in the Apple Store and on Google Play.

Young Carers Support App is a one-stop shop for young carers in West Yorkshire and Harrogate. It has advice and information on relationships, education, your health and more. You can find it in the Apple Store and on Google Play.