If you feel that you or someone else is in immediate danger, you should call 999 immediately.
If you’ve had previous contact with mental health services in Leeds – do you have a crisis plan with contact details? If you are unable to find the plan, you can call Leeds and York Partnership Foundation Trust’s Single Point of Access (SPA) on 0300 300 1485. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, you can text 07983 323867. The SPA is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
If you’ve not had any previous contact with mental health services in Leeds and cannot wait for an urgent GP appointment: call NHS 111 (freephone, open 24 hours a day) – a highly trained adviser, supported by healthcare professionals, will ask you a series of questions and immediately direct you to the best service to support your needs.
How to find emotional support in Leeds
I need help now can help you find a range of telephone support if you need someone to talk to as well as places you can go in an emotional crisis, including:
Connect is a telephone helpline for people living in Leeds. The service provides emotional support and information for people in distress. Trained volunteers provide compassionate, non-judgemental support and can give information about other services, if needed. You can also talk to Connect through instant chat.
Open 6pm-2am every night of the year.
Tel 0808 800 1212 (freephone)
The Samaritans on 116 123 (freephone) is open 24 hours a day.
Dial House is an out-of-hours Leeds service for people in times of crisis where visitors can relax and have an hour of one-to-one support from the team of crisis support workers. Visitors who are attending for the first time, can just turn up from 6pm. If you have been before you will need to ring 0113 2609328 or text 07922 249452 from 6pm on the night you want to request a visit (it’s best to ring before 7.30pm if possible).
Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday – 6pm-2am.
12 Chapel Street, Halton, Leeds, LS15 7RW
Here For You (formerly called Well-Bean Hope in a Crisis Cafe) is open to people in Leeds who are experiencing a crisis. The cafe can offer emotional one-to-one support for up to one hour, support in a safe social space as well as practical help. You can self-refer to this service – visitors should ring or text first on 07760 173 476 each time they would like to go to the cafe.
Open on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Bank Holiday evenings 6pm-12am.
Lincoln Green Community Centre, 29 Cromwell Mount, LS9 7JB
Open on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings 6pm-12am.
Touchstone House, 2-4 Middleton Crescent, Beeston, LS11 6JU
Open on Thursday and Friday evenings from 6pm to 12am.
Stocks Hill Community Hub, Chapel Lane, Armley, Leeds, LS12 2DJ