Getting creative can have great benefits for everyone, no matter what age we are. It can:

A person painting, standing behind an easel with a large canvas. They have a light skin tone, long, blue hair worn loose and in a top knot and have a prosthetic right leg.
  • help you to relax and calm the mind – re-focusing thoughts from worrying and stress
  • be a way of expressing what’s going on – in a way that may not be possible in everyday conversation
  • lift your mood and release ‘happy endorphins’
  • be empowering and create a sense of identity and achievement
  • boost your self-esteem – getting involved can help you realise that you can overcome challenges and do wonderful things
  • help you to meet new people who are like-minded and have had similar experiences
  • give you a new purpose, meaning and direction

Learn more

Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance – website gives an introduction to the impact the arts can have on health and wellbeing.