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Oblong is an arts and crafts group based at Woodhouse Community Centre that offers a free weekly arts and crafts group. Read More


Cloth Cat Leeds

Cloth Cat Leeds is a charity based in inner-city Leeds that uses music training to help local people learn new skills. Read More


Getaway Girls

Getaway Girls is an organisation which supports and empowers disadvantaged young women to help boost their confidence and life skills. Read More


Hamara Healthy Living Centre

Hamara Healthy Living Centre is an ethnic minority organisation that runs a wide range of groups and activities for different age groups. Read More


Saturday Sanctuary

Saturday Sanctuary is a relaxed space for the members of the dock community to start their weekend. Read More


Health For All

Health For All helps to meet the needs of people living in South Leeds. They provide health related activities. Read More



LS-TEN offers an engagement and wellbeing programme to promote physical activity, positive engagement and making positive choices.  Read More


Community Matters Yorkshire

Community Matters Yorkshire provides support for organisations, social enterprises and communities. Read More


Asha Neighbourhood Project

Asha Neighbourhood Project aims to improve the lives of all women and children living in South Leeds providing a healthier, happier and more productive life. Read More

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