Exercise and movement can help our health and wellbeing at any stage of life. However, there are lots of things which can affect our ability to move and stay active. Some examples include:

  • pregnancy
  • mobility issues (or a long term health condition)
  • anxiety/depression
  • getting older

If you are pregnant, unsure about your physical health, or take medication, it is important to check with your GP before starting to exercise.

Can exercise help my health and wellbeing if I’m pregnant?

If you are pregnant, keeping active and taking some gentle exercise during your pregnancy can really boost your wellbeing. Exercise like swimming, a pregnancy yoga class or walking can all be great forms of exercise. You can find more information and guidance about taking exercise in pregnancy on the NHS website.

Leeds Girls Can has created a platform for pregnant women and new mums to help them identify safe and fun ways to get active. New mums could also join a social walking group like Ready Steady Mums.

I have anxiety, what sort of exercise can I do?

If you feel anxious, you might find it difficult to take part in exercise classes or groups. However, there are other ways you can move at home or outdoors, such as dancing to music, gardening or taking a walk. There are lots of ideas to help you get active and improve your wellbeing, in our Move Your Way resource.

You might also find it helpful to combine exercise and movement with breathing exercises and other relaxation techniques

I have mobility issues, how can I get more active?

It can be hard to be active when you have a disability or a health condition. There is lots of useful information on the NHS website about getting active if you have a disability or health condition. It might be helpful to focus on finding accessible activities and classes, or look at our Exercise Videos which include exercises for people with specific health conditions.