Video resources
Active Leeds – has guidance for staying active at home for different age groups, with links to online exercises and ideas for moving more outdoors. The website has information about Leeds City Council gyms and exercise facilities.
Arthritis Action has free exercise videos and downloads on their website for people who have arthritis and find moving difficult.
Fitness Blender is a website offering free exercise videos and a low cost online membership to a library of workouts.
Joe Wicks – has exercise sessions for kids, PE with Joe, as well as videos for older people and adults who want to keep fit and healthy. Explore his YouTube channel The Body Coach TV for free videos for all ages. – NHS Fitness Studio, gym-free workouts, 10 minute equipment free workouts and One You tips to be more active.
Sport England has tips, advice and guidance on how to keep or get active in and around your home and outdoors and links to free videos for different age groups, abilities and needs.
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy has lots of guidance and exercises for people with pain and stiffness in various joints and areas of the body.
We are Undefeatable is for people managing a long term condition and offers to ideas to help people get active by finding what works for them, including Home Games with ways to be more active at home.
Your Back Yard – runs exercise classes on Zoom, for people aged 55 and over.
Yoga with Adriene – free videos on YouTube