Mindful Employer Leeds
Mindful Employer is a national initiative which aims to provide businesses and organisations with easier access to information and support for staff who experience mental health difficulties. In Leeds it has a strong network of employers across all sectors who are interested in making positive changes in their workplaces. It’s free to join the network and members receive a monthly newsletter and are also invited to attend free quarterly network events. As a network member you can also contact a local Mindful Employer Coordinator, based at Leeds Mind, for advice. You can download their leaflet and contact mindfulemployer@leedsmind.org.uk for more information about joining the network.
Leeds Mindful Employer leaflet
Get involved: This is Me Yorkshire
This is Me Yorkshire is a nationwide campaign empowering employers of all sizes to collectively change the narrative around mental health in the workplace by encouraging employees to share their stories and experiences.
Leeds Mind
Leeds Mind is a leading independent mental health charity in Leeds. It promotes positive mental health and wellbeing and provides help and support to those who need it including peer support
Leeds Suicide Bereavement Service
Leeds Suicide Bereavement Service offers compassionate support to people in Leeds affected by a suicide. They will support you whoever you have lost – a parent, child, partner, sibling, friend or work colleague. The project is run by Leeds Mind and Leeds Survivor Led Crisis Service. You can access support as an individual, family or work place.
West Yorkshire and Harrogate Suicide Bereavement Service
West Yorkshire and Harrogate Suicide Bereavement Service offers individual support and peer group support for people who have been bereaved by suicide at any time, who live in Harrogate, Craven, Wakefield, Bradford, Calderdale or Kirklees.
Carers Leeds
Carers Leeds is an independent charity that gives support, advice and information to unpaid carers aged 16 and over.
The Leeds Employers Forum was established by Carers Leeds in 2016 and has proved to be a successful way for employers to work together and share best practice to retain staff and provide support for employees balancing work with unpaid care. Take a look at the Carers Leeds website for more information about the forum.
Time to Change / Anti-stigma work
Time to Change was a national movement of people and organisations who worked on changing how we all think about think and act about mental health problems. The campaign closed in 2021, but Mind and Rethink Mental Illness are carrying on the work. Find out more on Mind’s website.
Mind and Rethink also run Time to Talk Day every year, held annually at the beginning of February. It’s the UK’s biggest mental health conversation and is a chance for it’s a day for friends, families, communities, and workplaces to come together to talk, listen and change lives.
To find out about anti-stigma work in Leeds, contact Being You Leeds, who work with Volunteer Anti-Stigma champions, who use their experiences of mental health problems to change the way people think and act about mental health across our city. They also provide awareness-raising sessions for teams and groups about stigma, discrimination and ways to tackle it.
Forum Central
Forum Central is a network of health and social care third sector organisations in Leeds. Sign up to their newsletter for mental health news and information about events, activities and campaigns in Leeds.
Leeds Public Health Resource Centre
Leeds Public Health Resource Centre offers support to anyone with a responsibility for, or a professional interest in, promoting health including employers. Through joining the Centre you can access a wealth of public health leaflets, posters, resources, books, DVDs and CDs, health promotion campaigns and training opportunities including the very popular Want to know more about... sessions.
Leeds peer support and support groups
Peer support brings together people with similar experiences so that they can help, encourage and support each other. Leeds has a network of peer support groups which can help people to develop effective ways of coping in a safe, friendly and supportive environment.