Mental health is about how we feel, think and behave. Our mental wellbeing can vary, and people can experience a range of different symptoms and difficulties.

It’s not always easy to know what to do if you’re worried about your mental health. There’s a lot of support available in the city, however, including many options you can access directly. People in Leeds are encouraged to ask for help when they need it. 

MindWell can help you explore the options and find the right help for you.

Talking to a GP

Many people have feelings of anxiety from time to time, and sometimes experience panic attacks during stressful times, particularly when experiencing a life change or big event.

Panic attacks are treatable. Anyone who is worried about their panic attacks should speak to a GP. Your GP can check whether there might be a physical cause and can also help you if panic attacks are starting to have an impact on your day-to-day life.

Is medication helpful?

If you’re having panic attacks your GP may prescribe you some medication to help you feel less anxious. If you’re taking medication it’s still important to confront feared situations that you may be avoiding by self-referring to Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service which offers therapy services focussed on Cognative Behavioural Therapy (CBT), or by using this self-help guide.

Medication can sometimes become a kind of ‘safety behaviour’ that stops you from testing out your fears and finding out that you can overcome your panic attacks. If you have any concerns or questions about your medication, or you’re experiencing any side effects, talk to a GP before making any changes.

Counselling and panic attacks

Whilst CBT is the recommended approach for helping with panic, if you feel there are issues such as bereavement, or other life events you have struggled to adjust to, which underlie your panic it may also be helpful to seek counselling.