Distance or online learning offers flexibility, allowing you to learn when and where suits you. But it can also take a lot of adjustment if you’re used to attending lectures or seminars in person, so it’s important to have the right environment and a plan for how you’re going to structure your time.
Prepare for online learning
You may be feeling anxious about how well you will learn through online sessions. Online learning is a skill, like any other, which can be developed and improved over time.
Create a space for learning – even if you’re learning in the room where you sleep it’s important to divide up your living space and have a dedicated space for learning.
Approach online learning in the same way you would learning on campus – get dressed at a regular time each day, before you start studying, and be ready with everything you need before classes begin. Mute your mobile and don’t be distracted by emails or social media. Take notes and be ready to take part in sessions where active discussion is encouraged.
Take time out when you need it – being constantly online can be tiring. Take breaks from your screen especially before a long online session and turn off your mobile or device for an hour before bedtime.
Ask for help if you need to – speak to your tutor or study skills advisor if you need more help in adjusting to online learning.
Student Space has got lots more great tips for getting the most out of virtual learning.