Be wellbeing and mental health aware this year
Join the MindWell team in marking important days throughout the year to promote mental health and wellbeing. From World Mental Health Day to Mental Health Awareness Week, World Suicide Prevention Day to Self-Care Week, there are many dates to keep in mind.
Awareness days and weeks often repeat each year, but sometimes the dates vary slightly. We’ll update specific dates or themes as they are announced.
If you run any events or campaigns, don’t forget to include MindWell promotional materials!
1 January – New Year’s Day: explore Leeds Inspired for what’s going on. Don’t forget our Winter Wellbeing top 10 tips to help you look after yourself this time of year.
January – Dry January: take on 31 days alcohol-free with Alcohol Change UK for a total body and mind reset. Explore our Drink less alcohol pages for links to advice and local services.
January – Red January: set daily movement goals to start your year being active. Red January aims to improve wellbeing through physical movement, starting every year with a campaign to make winter a positive and energising experience. Find links to advice and local groups and services on our Exercise and more your way pages.
20 January – Blue Monday: read more on the Mental Health Foundation website. Our Winter Wellbeing tips can help. You can also visit our Depression and feeling low section for self-help information and links to local services.
Look out for Brew Monday from the Samaritans and Multicoloured Monday from Leeds Mind.
20 to 26 January – Health Information Week: a national, multi-sector campaign promoting high-quality information for patients and the public. Yes, it used to be in the summer, but it’s moved! For 2025, the daily themes are:
- Monday 20 January – Winter Health
- Tuesday 21 January – Mental Health
- Wednesday 22 January – Wellbeing
- Thursday 23 January – Health Literacy and Misinformation
- Friday 24 January – Digital Literacy
Find resources to help you plan your week on the Health Information Week website.
Find out what’s happening locally with Leeds Libraries for Health.
30 January – Parent Mental Health Day: the theme will be ‘Screen Smart Parenting’. Find links to support groups for parents on MindWell. Explore the parents and carers pages on MindMate, the website helping young people in Leeds find help with their mental health and wellbeing.
6 February – Time to Talk Day – the nation’s biggest mental health conversation. Happening every year, it’s a day for friends, families, communities, and workplaces to come together to talk, listen and change lives. Find ideas on Mind’s website and download free resources from the Time to Talk Day website. As the day gets closer, make sure you’re up-to-date with the Time to Talk newsletter – sign up at the bottom of their homepage.
3 to 9 February – Children’s Mental Health Week – created by Place2Be to empower, equip and give a voice to all children and young people in the UK. The 2025 focus is Know Yourself, Grow Yourself, embracing self-awareness and exploring what it means to children and young people.
Explore MindMate, the website helping young people in Leeds find help with their mental health and wellbeing.
9 to 15 February – Random Acts of Kindness Week and 17 February – Random Acts of Kindness Day – help make kindness the norm with free resources and ideas for school, home and work. Explore our Spread kindness page for ideas and resources to be kinder to others, the world around you and to yourself.
14 February – Valentine’s Day – in recent years there’s also Galentine’s, Palentine’s, and more, encouraging us to celebrate friends, and focussing on love rather than romance. It’s a good day to spread a little love, but some people can feel more lonely – read more on the Mind website.
23 February – Helplines Awareness Day – promoting the work of these essential services. says helplines are like secret superheroes, “supporting people day and night to help them through the most difficult of times”. What a great description!
Visit our service directory for local and national helplines and services.
24 February to 2 March – Eating Disorders Awareness Week – the 2025 theme is ‘anyone can be affected by an eating disorder’. Keep updated from Beat, the Eating Disorders charity, by signing up for their newsletter.
1 March – Self-Injury Awareness Day: international day aiming to raise awareness about self-harm and self-injury. You can find more information about self-harm on MindWell. There’s also a locally-based organisation, Battle Scars, which runs support groups and has resources for anyone who self-harms or cares about someone who does. They also run training and workshops.
8 March – International Women’s Day: the theme for 2025 is how we collectively Accelerate Action for gender equality. Find resources and ideas on the IWD website and explore our service directory for women’s groups and organisations in Leeds.
13 March – University Mental Health Day: getting the nation talking about student mental health and working together to make mental health a university-wide priority. Find out more about getting involved in 2025. You can explore our MindWell resources for student life and ideas for self-care for students.
14 March – World Sleep Day: encouraging everyone to think about how vital good sleeps is for our physical health, mental health and wellbeing. Visit our Sleeping problems section for information and resources to help us all sleep better.
30 March – Mother’s Day: not everyone finds Mother’s Day an easy day. Here are some useful MindWell pages to share:
- our Pregnancy and becoming a parent section has resources and links to services
- bereavement support services for people who’ve lost a baby or child
- bereavement support services for anyone
- our Caring for someone pages
- support for people who experienced abuse as child
- our resource Finding support in a mental health crisis has links for anyone who needs help.
April is Stress Awareness Month, so why not check out our MindWell Stress and feeling pressure pages?
- Explore the signs of stress
- Understand the causes of stress
- Get ideas for taking control of stress
- Try our 10 strategies for coping with stress
7 April – World Health Day: celebrated annually by the World Health Organization, with a new theme each year.
18 April to 21 April – Easter holiday weekend: don’t forget that some services might be closed on the Friday and Monday bank holidays.
May is National Walking Month, so explore MindWell for ideas for places to go, groups to join or ways to enjoy walking:
- Find ways to exercise in Leeds
- Parks and green spaces to visit
- Find regular wellbeing groups and activities in Leeds
- Go for a mindful walk
5 to 11 May 2025 – Dying Matters Awareness Week: Every year, people around the UK use Dying Matters Awareness Week as a moment to encourage all communities to get talking in whatever way, shape or form works for them. Hospice UK will announce the 2025 theme.
5 to 11 May 2025 – Maternal Mental Health Week: dedicated to talking about mental health problems before, during and after pregnancy. The Perinatal Mental Health Partnership announce the theme nearer the time. You can find resources and links for perinatal wellbeing on MindWell.
5 May and 26 May – UK bank holidays, so some services might be closed.
12 to 18 May – Mental Health Awareness Week: the Mental Health Foundation leads on MHAW. The 2025 theme is: ‘Community’. The MHF says “Being part of a safe, positive community is vital for our mental health and wellbeing.” Find out more or sign up for updates from the MHF.
We’ll annouce how MindWell is marking the week and how you can join in: follow us on social media @MindWellLeeds on Facebook, Instagram or X and get our newsletter.
June is Pride month, so search online for Pride parades and events around the UK (although Leeds Pride is Sunday 20 July).
You can find support and groups for LGBT+ communities in Leeds on MindWell.
2 to 6 June 2025 – Volunteers’ Week: Join in the celebration of volunteers across the country during National Volunteers’ Week. It’s also a good to time to promote your voluntary opportunities or find a new volunteer role yourself – visit our Volunteer to help others section.
9 to 15 June 2025 – Carers Week: raising awareness of caring, highlighting the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK. Carers Week also helps people who don’t think of themselves as having caring responsibilities to identify as carers and access much-needed support. Find out what’s going on in Leeds on the Carers Leeds website and social media – follow @CarersLeeds on Facebook and X.
Find links to resources and services for unpaid carers on MindWell:
Visit the parents and carers pages on MindMate, the website helping young people in Leeds find help with their mental health and wellbeing, or see their pages Are you a young carer? or Are you a young adult carer?
9 to 15 June 2025 – Men’s Health Week: The 2025 theme is yet to be announced. Find groups and services for men in Leeds on MindWell. If you’re running an event in Leeds, don’t forget to let Men’s Health Unlocked know! Email or tag @mhuleeds on X.
9 to 15 June 2025 – Loneliness Awareness Week: Raising awareness of loneliness and empowering everyone to make connections across the UK and worldwide. The theme for 2025 will be announced nearer the time.
Explore MindWell’s resources and pages to help understand and deal with loneliness:
- Connect with others
- Find regular wellbeing groups and activities in Leeds
- Getting around, staying active and socially connected
16 June – Father’s Day: not everyone finds Father’s Day an easy day. Here are some useful MindWell pages to share:
- our Pregnancy and becoming a parent section has resources and links to services
- bereavement support services for people who’ve lost a baby or child
- bereavement support services for anyone
- our Caring for someone pages
- support for people who experienced abuse as child
- our resource Finding support in a mental health crisis has links for anyone who needs help.
17 June – the day after Father’s Day is marked as International Fathers’ Mental Health Day. Read more about it on the Papyrus website.
16 to 22 June – Learning Disability Week: the 2025 theme is to be annouced nearer the date. In Leeds, Aspire CBS usually prepares a calendar of events and Forum Central celebrates the week.
21 June – Summer Solstice: the mid-point of the year.
27 June – PTSD Awareness Day: mark International PTSD Awareness Day, aiming to get support for everyone affected by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD and C-PTSD), no matter the trauma that caused it. Find out more from PTSD UK nearer the time.
7 to 13 July 2025 – Alcohol Awareness Week: An opportunity for charities, local authorities, GP surgeries, businesses and more to think and talk about alcohol harm with their communities.
- Read all about the campaign and find resources on the Alcohol Change website
- Forward Leeds usually runs a local campaign, which will be announced neared the time
- Find resources, support and advice on the Forward Leeds website, including how they can help
- Follow @forwardleeds on social media:X, Facebook or Instagram
- Explore more links and resources on our Drink less alcohol pages.
20 July – Leeds Pride: Yorkshire’s biggest celebration of LGBTQ+ life is being held on Sunday 20 July. Find out more on the Leeds Pride website.
You can find support and groups for LGBT+ communities in Leeds on MindWell.
24 July – International Self-Care Day: Find MindWell self-care resources in our Looking after your wellbeing section and explore the Self Care Forum website pages What is self-care and why it is important for people and the NHS?
24 July – Samaritans Awareness Day: The Samaritans are available 24/7, so their awareness day is 24/07, of course. Look out for #SamaritansAwarenessDay on social media and share how people can contact them for help. While you’re on social media you could also tag @samaritans, @samaritanscharity (and @SamaritansLeeds on X) and say thank you to the volunteers who make such a difference!
30 July – International Day of Friendship: a United Nations day with the idea that friendship between peoples, countries, cultures and individuals can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities.
Why not take inspiration from our kindness resources today?
1 August – Yorkshire Day: Your annual reminder to wave the white rose flag, say “Ey up” and remember that MindWell is Leeds’ own mental health website, and proud to be made in Yorkshire.
21 to 24 August – Leeds Festival: Here’s some useful advice from Forward Leeds on How to party properly. If you need help at Leeds Fest, look out for Air Hubs, and support on-site from Samaritans and other welfare organisations.
25 August – Summer bank holiday: don’t forget that some services are closed on bank holidays, and travel will also be disrupted by the carnival parade.
25 August – Leeds West Indian Carnival: Europe’s oldest West Indian carnival. Get your dancing shoes on!
31 August – Overdose awareness day: The world’s largest annual campaign to end overdose, remember without stigma those who have died and acknowledge the grief of family and friends left behind. Explore Forward Leeds’ website for local awareness events.
10 September – World Suicide Prevention Day: with the theme set by the World Health Organization (WHO) closer to the date. Read our blog: How can I help prevent suicide? for links to our resources and useful pages, local initiatives and helpful services to contact.
15 to 21 September – National Inclusion Week: celebrating inclusion and action to create inclusive workplaces, for all marginalised groups. Why not find out about different languages and where you can learn more on the Leeds for Learning website?
22 September – Autumnal Equinox: a change in season can be a helpful reminder to update our self-care routines. Bring on the hot chocolate!
23 September – International Day of Sign Languages: seeing as it’s also Inclusion Week (see above), it’s good to remember that how important sign languages are in society.
And from September, colleges and universities in Leeds start to welcome students from across Leeds, Yorkshire, the UK and internationally. Find out about term dates and freshers week events online, and look our for opportunities from the Wellbeing Roadshow from Unipol, Leeds Health and Care Partnership and Local Care Partnerships, visiting student unions, campuses and health centres.
1 to 31 October – Stoptober: Returns each October to encourage and support smokers to quit for good. Resources are made available annually from the Department of Health and Social Care – visit their Campaign Resource Centre. Find local support with Leeds Stop Smoking service.
1 October – International Day of Older Persons: Created by the United Nations, IDOP is supported in the UK by the Centre for Ageing Better and locally by Leeds Older People’s Forum. The 2025 theme will be announced nearer the time.
Explore our section Keeping our minds healthy as we get older for resources, information and links to services.
9 to 15 October – Baby Loss Awareness Week: An opportunity to bring people together and give anyone touched by pregnancy and baby loss a safe and supportive space to share their experiences and feel that they are not alone.
10 October – World Mental Health Day: Started by WHO, the theme for 2025 will be announced later in the year. MindWell will be marking this day on social media and in our October newsletter.
12 to 19 October – National Hate Crime Awareness Week: Engaging communities to report hate crime and work together.
18 October – World Menopause Day: Raising awareness, breaking the stigma and highlighting the support available for improving health and wellbeing for those experiencing menopause. Find menopause support groups in Leeds under women’s groups in our service directory.
26 October 2024 – clocks go back in the UK: Another seasonal reminder to check in with our wellbeing routines in the colder and darker months! Visit MindWell’s top 10 tips for winter wellbeing to start getting winter ready.
29 October to 4 November – Addiction Awareness Week – find out more from Action on Addiction and Forward Leeds locally.
31 October – Hallowe’en – West Yorkshire Police offer Hallowe’en safety advice
1 to 30 November – Movember: The time for men to unite, taking on mental health, suicide, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. Moustaches optional! Find links to services offering support for men in our MindWell directory and search the database from Men’s Health Unlocked.
1 to 7 November – Befriending Week: The national campaign celebrating and raising awareness of befriending and the positive impact it has on individuals and communities. Age UK, Leeds Mind, Carers Leeds and Being You Leeds all have volunteer befrienders.
4 to 8 November – International Stress Awareness Week and 6 November – National Stress Awareness Day: Find resources to help you manage Stress and feeling pressure on MindWell.
5 November – Bonfire Night/Guy Fawkes Night: Look for events around Leeds on the Yorkshire Evening Post website.
9 November – Remembrance Sunday and 11 November – Armistice Day: Events marking the end of the First World War, but also remembering those from subsequent conflicts. Look out for events at local war memorials and in Leeds city centre. Find links to services offering support to veterans on MindWell.
10 to 14 November – Anti-Bullying Week: The 2025 theme will be announced nearer the time by the Anti-Bullying Alliance.
13 November – World Kindness Day – make kindness the norm and explore our MindWell kindness resources for ways to spread kindness to others, ourselves and the world.
11 to 17 November 2025 – Baby Week Leeds: Baby Week takes place in cities around the UK, but was born in Leeds! Find out more about local and national events on their website and on social media @babyweekuk. Explore our MindWell section Pregnancy and becoming a parent for resources, links and local services.
17 to 23 November 2025 – National Self-Care Week: This year’s theme will be annoucned nearer the time. Find campaign resources on the the Self-Care Forum website and take a look at MindWell’s self-care printable resources for ideas.
19 November – International Men’s Day: The international theme willb e announced nearer the time, and the UK usually promotes a wider range of men’s health issues and causes. Look our for Men’s Health Unlocked in Leeds events and news, or follow them on X @mhuleeds.
21 November – Carers’ Rights Day – this year’s theme will be announced nearer the time. Keep up-to-date with Carers Leeds for local events.
25 November – International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and 25 November to 10 December – 16 days of activism
December – MindWell seasonal wellbeing campaign: Details and dates to be confirmed in November, so follow us on social media @MindWellLeeds on Facebook, Instagram or X and get our newsletter to keep up-to-date.
1 to 7 December – National Grief Awareness Week. The 2025 theme hasn’t been set as yet. Explore our self-help resources and links to services for bereavement and grief.
3 December – International Day of Disabled People (IDODP): According to the United Nations, more than one billion people (roughly 15 per cent of the world’s populatio), live with some form of disability. This annual day aims to promote the rights and wellbeing of persons with disabilities in all areas of society and development. Find links to local disability support groups and activities in our service directory. Look out for local events to mark IDODP – follow @myforumcentral on X, @forum_central on Instagram or @ForumCentralLeeds on Facebook to keep informed.
5 December – International Volunteer Day: Celebrate the power and potential of volunteers! Visit our Volunteer to help others pages for tips and links.
21 December – Winter Solstice: The shortest day of the year, meaning more hours of sunlight from now on (until June). In the meantime, why not promote wellbeing and self-care in the middle of winter – something we all need! Download, print or share our Top 10 tips for winter wellbeing poster.
25 and 26 December – Bank Holidays for Christmas Day and Boxing Day: Support is available – we’ll share a list of mental health services open over the holidays in Leeds nearer the time in December.
31 December – New Year’s Eve. Whether you’re celebrating or enjoying a quiet night in, explore our Top 10 tips for winter wellbeing for self-care tips for everyone.
A helpful place to find out about health and wellbeing related awareness days is the NHS Employers calendar of national campaigns.